The Diesterweg Scholarship in and for the City of Osnabrück

The transition from elementary school to secondary school is formative for the further educational career of children. At the same time, it makes high demands: For a successful transition, both the children themselves and their parents need professional and personal skills that they do not always bring with them as a matter of course.
The Diesterweg Scholarship was developed by the Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft Frankfurt am Main and addresses precisely this issue: It is aimed at children who are unable to fully realize their good performance potential. Not only the child, but the whole family is supported. Families are supported for two years as the child makes the transition from elementary to secondary school. The support includes children's academies on topics such as science, music, language, literature, theater and art. The children explore Osnabrück and its surroundings, and go on vacation courses. There is also financial assistance for the purchase of educational materials. At the same time, parents are supported who are unable to give their children sufficient assistance for linguistic or family reasons: They take part in parent academies. There, they receive a variety of educational incentives, are strengthened for the educational support of their children and are introduced to their opportunities for participation inside and outside of school. The goals: To enable children with good achievement potential to have a school career that matches their talents, which might otherwise be jeopardized by language or other out-of-school reasons; to encourage parents to be active educational companions for their children and to exercise their opportunities for participation.
Target group:
Children in elementary school grade 4 with recognizable gifted potential, whereby linguistic need for support is not an obstacle, parents who want to better support their children on their educational path and who need and want advice in doing so, children and their parents whose place of residence and school is the city of Osnabrück. The selection is made on the suggestion of the schools.
Implementation in Osnabrück:
The Diesterweg Scholarship Osnabrück is a joint project of the Friedel & Gisela Bohnenkamp Foundation and the Education Department of the City of Osnabrück. Starting in the 2015/2016 school year, 15 students and their families will be accepted into the scholarship program.
Katharina Liebing
(Project Manager Diesterweg Scholarship in the Education Office of the City of Osnabrück)
Bierstrasse 20
49074 Osnabrück
Phone: 0541 323-2009
E-mail: liebing(at)
For more information and insights into the Diesterweg Scholarship in Osnabrück, please visit the
Homepage of the scholarship at!